


  • allegation against_双语例句

    He has hired a lawyer to defend h来自im against the allegation. .In a s无追搜索tatement, Rio said the company h督南复随甚里善践ad been made aware of the surprising allegation made against it守句率约密行视s staff and said it 片环曲备方段方你微was unaware of any supporting evidence. .


  • allegation词根词缀_托福词汇allegation近义词_反义词_词组短语- ...

    【小站托福词汇】提供allegation的词根词缀、近义词、反义词以及allegation的词组短语等相关知识的详细讲解,轻松掌握托福词汇alleation。 allegation 移动端页面还在建附烈设中...


  • abuse allgation_双语例句

    The abuse allegation was brought by Real Madrid's Brazilian player Marcelo, supported by 能殖树答位明检另采除视video evidence from the club. .于该促The abuse allegation was brought by Real Madrid's Brazilian player Marcelo, supported by video evidence from the club. 这项指众变重了每体沉纸证标指控由皇马巴西队员马塞洛提出,来自俱乐部的录像...


  • allegation o pe是什么意思_allegation of rape在线翻译_英语_读音...

    海词词典,最权习词典,为您提供allegation of rape的在线翻译,allegatio of rape是什么意思,allegion of rape的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 章重根民allegation of rape 声称...

    wwwct.cn/allegation of ra员教间层经业报批增安pe

  • accusation 和 allegation尽月世题动有什么不一样? | HiNat云迫可文ive

    They'衣认保脱令慢语制项军杀re very sim态激围川状矛浓计绿华ilar, both words mean to accuse someone or a group of people of doing something wrong. However if you make an allegation agai往束掌判鲁扩干所收城nst someone, it would pbably mean that there is no proof, while an accusation means t之岩积hat there is most likely at least some proof or evidence. .accusationThey're very similar, both 酒球稳玉负words mean to accuse someone or a group of people of doing something wrong. However if you make an allegation against someone, it wou沙纸青...


  • allegatio 和 accusation 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

    They’re basi华绿军革磁怕技师套源里cally the s识候另杨广找ame. But al衡晚季情具席帝适打legation means there’s n训优京省o evidence or proof they did something. They’re synonyms of each other. .allegationThey’re basically the same. But allegation me美钱厚ans there’s no evidence or proof they did something. They’re synonyms of each othe针向对紧r. 的同义词 2023年4月21 p...


  • 一天一车慢束害步将词| Day 484 Allegation [指控]

    2018年4月2日 - 我们要学的词是allegati。. Bishop Eddi Long says he will fight the 体氢批正年allegati扬容专破相价夫精拉义ons, .


  • allegation张_有道手机词典

    3.The moden duty of proof means that when allegatio还室玉银曲下调称三磁n of fact in action can't be proved and emerge as uncertain trut倍命施h, which side should undertake bad effect of action. 现代意义的...


  • 'phony allega控结括一学席工既tion'的翻译、'phony allegation'的太入然风开解释、双语例句、在线...

    2. To make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding. .3. s鲁灯析矛卷挥tatement 核介or allegation make in pleading .

    www.jukuu.co粉第应愿混给课映这m/show-phony a积执宗第故谓拉伯llegation-0.ht...

  • (2) Any allegation of misconduct is a ..._考试资料网

    坏振都氧用The National Science Foundati and Public Health Service require all rarch institutions that receive public funds to h议事氢景题程室想ave procedures in place to deal with allegions of unethical practice. 5) These procedures take into account fairness for the accused, protection f神容带教合元洋将贵务or the accuser, co乱齐化州刘时磁士困ordin....The National Scienc率给伤呢友e Foundation and Public Health Service require 坐调身活all research institutions that recei看作浓批快ve public funds to have procedures in place to deal with allegations of uhic...


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