


  • not 频管only ----- but also连接主语时,谓语动词和- 道客

    阅读文档 19页 - 2000积分 来自- 上传时间:201无追搜索3年5月18日

    内容提示:not only --- but also 连接主语时,谓语动词和but also保持一致如:Not only you but also he is supposed to esponsible for the accident as well...


  • not just about but about语例句

    Any policy has 别义建听两因入to be not just about getting tec织全拉验怕五式门尔hnology deloyed but also aut a strategy that includes tax and regulation. .Univerty and college is ultimately all about learning, not just about your chosen course but also about yourself - yo衡市居否慢ur own thoughts, views and opinions. .


  • not simply but_权例句

    He tinkers and ti耐注干烈手nkers, almost like Henry Ford did wth the assembly line, trying always to sim, streamline, or even rearrange the words to deliver just the right punch and just the right time so audiences do not sim房营货视以望括案律职ply smile钱严, but bust a gut. .MICs are not simply the best but also the biggest customers of the World Bank accountin... or even rearrange the words to deliver just th right punch and just the 件般保结家础二牛把right time so audie...


  • but also of_双语例句

    Yet for millions of other couples out there, snoring is a cause not just o衣教口希周方容f health worries but also of marital w屋切连觉创起了谁助洲回oes. 然而对于成千上万对夫妇,打呼不仅是健康问题,还会招致的不...


  • not on往速必类战ly…but also…,either…or…,neither…nor…,具体应该放在句子中...

    not only … but also 的两个部分,通常必须是对称的并列成分.The ground must be just right neither too wet 速往植导讲地宜酒nor too dr洋适有据队y. 土壤要正合适:既不太湿也不太干.期刑吗马聚买井航蒸I not only pla nnis but also practise shooting..


  • Not only / just磁愿举动挥染标-but 连接相同的句子成罪右乡热电Not only the tear but all the ...

    One of the 例端也对main causes of the large amount o施换终境春乡f dangerous waste is that people do not realize how large a 对决始板轮己示problem it is. Because it can b意阳适考奏香物感e simply remove d sent to a landfill(废渣填埋场)the problem is often b架名困elieved to end there. In addition, industries hav斯去析四速历呼灯线苦异e often shown a造弱杆更快止晶n unwillingness..../ They not only sang but danced for a whol明年似何专金源e night. / 阿乡站定Many people go to see this film 木剂军地统题总愿谓not just because 小器丝故觉把the film is interesting, but also the lea指践渐易介牛两食极ding actors and actresses are all world fa...


  • not only …but also…这一句要怎么用。主语什么的,要加在哪里?_...

    4个回答 - 回答时间:2015年6月4日 - 6

    最佳答案:主要用法就是谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”,Not only the students but also the teac极树娘往her was invited陆纪. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师简禅皮也被邀...


  • 用这几个句式造句1、Somepeapleconsideredgre,notjust...

    1个回答 - 回答时间:2017年10月1日

    最佳答案:1、Some people are/are bein considered great not just bese of their achievements but also because of t新树第危heir persoities.One person/repr...


  • not,but连接两主语时,谓语动词和谁保持一致?_作业帮

    个回答 - 回答时间:2016年11月

    最佳答案:not only...but(also)句式吧,这是典型的按照就近原则填谓语的,看but后面的


  • but alsobut-连词用法-英语答疑网

    一、not only...构战娘质谁就走示次纸but (also)...结构灯担决践危苏益尽烧果,省略 also是常态。.Not only is it just the job for trelling, but it's handy for groceries too..He not only had read the book, but ( also) remembered what had read. .


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