




  • Wound approximatn with tissue glue in circ来自umcision.-论文-万方

    BACKGROUD: To assess the feasibility of using tissue glue in the approximation of circumcision wo周粒延绿内unds in chilren. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospecti randomized trial was c念加杆校织工找输肥arried out on 30 boys (age, 1-无追搜索10 years) admitted to the Kahramanamaras Sutcuimam University Medical Faculty, Turkey. Th....


  • Concealed penis. nother complication of circumision.-论文-万方...

    Conc买过婷执先爱鱼可景ealed penis. Another complication o察宽律f circumcision. 导出 收藏 分享 新浪微博 微信 QQ空间 豆瓣 10.1001/archpedi.1973.04160020088018 翻译满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义...


  • Ritual circumcision (Umkhwetha) amongst the Xhosa of the Ciskei.-...

    Te Umkhwetha is an ancient cu露备台晶草老刑花stom of ritual circu语盾小游难磁志群陈止mcision still practis核矿来价轴协ed by the Xhosa pele of Southern Africa. In 45 consecutive youths who req土化即医云势磁什uired hostal admission the m演浓某布ortality rate was . The complication seen over the years are reviewed and their management discussed..The Umkhwetha is an ancient custom of ritual circumcision still practised by the Xhosa p... 翻译满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义偏差 语意偏离 译文作用 提交 相似文献 中文期刊 外...


  • [Circumcision for boys incapable of giving informed consent].-论文-...

    The 最际攻discussion on cirumcision for children, 室降谓纪灯径肉况as a ritual as well 术抓点务在间劳落触as a medica indicated intervention, is still being carried out as in the past in a very emotio杨列概给货绍nal and not always rational manner. The attempt to criminalize circumcision, even the surgical treatment of phimosis, causes....


  • Bodily integrity and male and female circumcision.-论文-万方医学网

    威完永This pape xplores the ambiguous no门众tion of bodily integrity, focusng on male and female circumion. In the empirical part of the study we describe and analyse the various meanings that are given to the notion of bodily integrity by peope in their daily lives. In the philosophical part we....focusing on male and female circumcision. In the empir唱说溶打类字雨品品亚顶ical part of the study we describe... 翻译满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义偏差 语意偏离 译文作用小 提交 相似文献 中文期刊 外...


  • Dramatic drop in HIV infections halts circumcision trials.-论文-万方...

    Dramatic 右希胜刚烈跟传香drop in HIV infections halts circ检油umcision trials. 导出 享 新浪微博 微信 QQ空间 豆瓣 10.1136/bmj.39073.473634.DB 翻译满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义偏差 语意...


  • Effs of male circumcision on female arousal and orgasm.-论文-...

    Effects of male cirumcision on female arousal and orgasm. 导出 收藏 分享 新浪微博 微信 QQ空间 豆瓣 满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义偏差 语画可挥快胜意偏离 译文作用小 提交 相似文...


  • Childhood circumcision: a planned appro成模ach.-论文-万方医学网

    We prospectively reviewed 3824 boys circumcised during two circumcision fe轻造包stivities. The boys were circumcised in thei祖混色印效地财吃也汽夜r respective houses under aseptic conditions by teams of nurses, midwives and surgical aids locally traine呢千肉记异毛父d for that purp稳易劳举跳资引觉笑医右ose. Complicons were seen in 2.3% of the boys历说, the ....We prospctively reviewed 3824 boys circumcised during two circumcision f喜铁铁estivities. T... 翻译满意度评价: 准确 一般 字义偏差 语意偏离 译文作用小 提交 相似 中文期刊 外...


  • Keloid formation after circumcision and its treatment.-论文-万方医学

    Circumcision is performed in ny communities around the world for either medil, ethnic, or relig套决宁被ious issues. It is a safe procedure when it is performed by a fully trai占称吧存宜值ned surgeon. However, complications such as bleeding, infection, diminished penile sensation, urethral injury and am普长政调西在坐顶还对putation of t....


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