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歌词doctor i want to be a singerwhen i i want to be a doctordo you want to be a doctorwhy i want to be a doctori want to be a doctor becausei want to be a doctor课件i want to become a doctori want to be a doctor英语演讲i want to be a doctor是什么意思i want to be a doctor英语作文if you want to see a doctori want to be a doctor基本功比赛ppt
  • I want to be a doctor.英语作文?_360问答

    最佳答案回答时间:2019年12月24日 - 1个回答

    I want to be a doctor.英语作文:I want to be a doctor in my future career. I love doctors as they save life and get rid of suffering in peop...


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  • 口语课- I want to be a doctor.我想要当一名医生声音免费在线播放-...

    2018年2月25日 - 亲子英文(38)I want to be a doctor.我想要当一名医生。.B:I want to be...(a teacher)...


  • I want be a doctor(作文)_360问答

    最佳答案回答时间:2013年11月12日 - 1个回答 - 1

    I want to be a doctor If you ask me what I want to be, the answer is that I want to be a doctor. It is exactly the truth that makes a person...


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  • i want be a doctor_360图片

  • 英语作文my dream(I want to be a doctor)_360问答

    最佳答案回答时间:2013年4月23日 - 1个回答 - 72

    因此我的梦想是当一个医生。现在,我会看一些关于医学方面的书,为将来做准备。 My dream is to be a doctor. Because the doctor is a great occupat...


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  • IWantToBeAtor英语小作文- 360文库

    阅读文档1页 - 8.00元 - 上传时间:2021年5月26日



  • Unit 7 I want to be a doctor 教案- 道客巴巴

    阅读文档2页 - 2000积分 - 上传时间:2017年10月15日



  • I want to be a doctor一篇300字左右的英语作文生字不要太多,最关键...

    2013年5月21日 - 的是句型一些好的词组多用高1水平0.I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's ***.My parents are both doctors.They ar...


  • i want to be a doctor的英语作文_360问答

    最佳答案回答时间:2013年3月31日 - 1个回答 - 2

    I want to be a docorBecause doctors could save many peopleAnd make their life changedIf I were a doctor I should love all my patientsWhen th...


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