九二共识海峡两岸关系相关的政治术语,是指获得海峡两岸官方授权的民间组织海峡两岸关系协会与海峡交流基金会,在1992年经由九二香港会谈及其后函电往来,所达成的非 ...

1992 Consensus

The 1992 Consensus is a political term referring to the alleged outcome of a meeting in 1992 between the semiofficial representatives of the Chinese Communist Party-led People's Republic of China of mainland China and the Kuomintang-led Republic... Wikipedia
Location: Hong Kong
Dates: Oct 28, 1992 – Oct 30, 1992
Hanyu Pinyin: Jiǔ-Èr Gòngshí (in China); Jiǔ-Èr Gòngshì (in Taiwan)
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“九二共识”是各自以口头方式表述海峡两岸均坚持一个中国原则的共识。达成共识的方式是各自口头表述,构成共识的内容就是上述两段经过协商、相互认可的具体文字,核心是坚持 ...