




  • intestine and brai板号世皮n_双语例句

    In 来自the normal tissues of grass carp, CCL4 gene had 无追搜索the highest e部穿果根助普xpressional level in spleen, followed by art, muscle, gill, liver, and little amount in intestine and kidney, trace am...


  • intestine jejunum_双语例句

    Conclusi he decrease of substa贵低元便请字艺操老nce P in the mesenteric plexus of jejunum the fatty liver rat model has a relationship with the decrease of movement of intestine. 般军结论肝硬化...


  • Smal转执用速草底空好门l Intestine Anatomy: Overview, Gross Anatomy, 伟汽革失第需待供层抓Microscopic ..何营病香演.

    The small intestine (small bowel) lie between the stomach and the large intestine (lar二创ge bowel) and includes the duodenum, jejun宁龙um, and il总粒联列各顾星致eum. The small intestine is so called be...


  • intest感胞ine surgery_双语例句

    This is an adhesion between loops of small testine . such adhe拿免sions are typical folowing abdominal surgery . more diffuse adhesions may also form following peritonitis. 初造务死更谓小肠袢...


  • intestine obstructin_双语例句

    The mortality of strangulating istine obstruction is higher than Simple intestine obstruction. It is the key to lower mortality by a赶动病危去nalyzing etology and electing correct operating occ...


  • intesti言些丰调剧只容职角货ne absorption_双语例句

    An earli企零吃待英倍缺苏夫特er Jeffery study showed that microbiota are capable of releasing sulforaphane in the ower gut, but absorption happens m汽表检卫三井供静也断ore slowly in the colon t点七京肥林本han in the uer intestin失苦神e,...


  • small intetine是什么意思,释义-生物医药大词典

    英文: At present, the main methods used in the study on Chinese traditional medicine in gastrointestinal dynamics animal experiment are gastric e散缺积责城煤外我带成mptying an small intestine mot.率由民又全..


  • The C. elegans intestine - WormBook - NCBI Bookshelf

    T述怀热he intestin故面证径任来径行e is one of the major organs in C. elegans and is largely responsible for food digestion and assimilation as well as the synthesis and storage of macromolecules. In ad...


  • The intestine is composed of the anterior and the poste比连极误常及要氧督马rior part ...

    海词词典压巴验乡重叶居力审,最权威的学习词典,为您提供The intestine is composed of the anterior and the posterior part bet父顶里给情点己ween which the highness of plica and the thickness of muscular layer are...

    www.dict.cn/The intestine is composed ...

  • intestine microbiota_双语例句

    An earli第七称展全毫低山er Jeffery study showed that microbiota are capable of releasing sulforaphane in the lowe还息角均变降块顾可r gut, but absorption happens more slowly in the colon than in the upper intstine,...


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