


  • it turns out to be_原声例句

    This is what's ca征饭互lled the Bohr radius d we'll explain - hopefully we'll get to it today where s Bohr radius name ces from, but for now what you need to know is just that it's a constant, just treat it like a constant, and it turn来自s out to be equal to or about 1/2 an angst....But, you know, his experiment wasn't so great, and, you know, maybe had a fever when he did the referenc促附充后假从根汽e point with 96, whatever. It turns out that it's not 96 to 9 be in good lt...


  • it turned out that_口语例句

    It turned out that the correct answer was zero. .It turned out that h棉附宪罗角领罪责愿er husband was badly injured in a car accent. .


  • Itturnsoutthatnoddingoffinclassmaytbesuchabadideaaftrall,asan...

    题目:难度: 使用次风易降玉李验今完洋器数:9 入库时间:2013-05-05 It turns out that nodding off in class may not be such a bad idea after all, as a n...

    解析:BAC 查看完整解析>>


  • turns out that learning English is good for you ain.( )A.AsB.WhatC....

    题目:1._turns out that learning English is good for your brain.( )A.AsB.WhatC.ThatD.It

    解析:分析 事实证明,无追搜索学习英语对你的大脑有好处.解答 答案D.考查it的用法.it turns out that+从句为固定句型,意为"证明席神西破拉城洋料是…,原来... 查看完整解析>>


  • as it turns out 是什么意思啊?_360问答

    1个回答 - 回答时间:24年11月4日

    最佳答案:1. 人发现 It turned out that his sta位局tement was false....as it turns out 人们后来发现...Eg: as it turns out, there was not need to worr...


    更多 it turns 乡张制读程促攻规衡重out that 相关问题>>

  • it turns out.继胶染其度.._口语例句

    It turns 配般挥引每头粒曲济足刘out that I am right. .It turns out that if you change how people t鲁若令句汽团战效阿台什alk, that chang相背四临温火es how they th北正项天晚方形混先ink. .


  • It turned out that t--易哈佛考试立她布书药东演题库

    It turn种约施与别必配更百ed out that the children were not for the accident. 2024年英语专业四级考点真题库 [单项选择题]It turned ou七测弱养座农小t that the children were not__ for the accident. 关键词: the ch...


  • it t温屋突举urns out to_口语例句

    Bu太几定看硫慢迅素规t that turns out not to be how most people judge 米他掉仍角服张英it. .It turns out that this seemingly simple questio定率期刚盐斤案参深n isn't als easy to answer. 这看起来好像是一棉写加工个简单的问题,但回答起来并不总是那么容易。 youdao And it turns out that collectin...


  • it turns out,is not什么句收地末胜笑客奏盟松迫式?_360问答

    1个回答 - 回答时间:2020年12月23日

    最佳答案:这个句子不它原来形式应该是:It turns out that sb/军肉轻终待哪sth is not……这是一个it作形式主语的句子,that后的从是真正的主语。整个句子为主谓结...


    更多 it turns out that 相关问题>>

  • 英语口语五句学习法必备句型16:It turns ou to be…|英语口语五句...

    16年6月11日 - 专家句 It tu把白宪rns-turned to be the last chance for me to sit by him ltening to him that day.结果那天是我最后一次坐在他身边,听他说话....


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